What's with lash serums?

There are so many lash serums on the market these days. Which one is the best?! In this blog post, I go over my recommendations on brands that I've tried personally.

First, let's break down the lash cycle and how that relates to lash serums. The primary purpose of a lash serum is to put the lashes in a constant growing stage. This stage lasts anywhere between 30 to 45 days and is also known as the anagen phase "growing" stage. This stage is when the lash is growing from a bulb to it's fullest length.

The second stage of the lash growth is called the catagen stage during this stage, and the lashes are in a transition phase. The lashes in this stage are still visible while the follicle is preparing to shed so it can regenerate itself.

Finally, the last stage in the lash cycle is the telogen phase, and when the lashes naturally fall out and begin the resting stage before cycling back into the anagen phase.

Now that we've covered the lash cycle lash serums are a great way to grow your lashes when they are short. You can find different brands on the market from prescription products like Latisse to professional brands like GrandeLash MD. There are many other lash serums on the marketing, but these two mentioned above are brands I've personally tried and absolutely love.

If you try them out, let me know in the comments!
